Friday, November 1, 2013

A Photo Worth 'Your' Tears.

Facebook 10:12 AM

Today I saw this picture, and that made me put A thinking - cap on how devastating things could possibly happen in places of Horrible chaos. Let’s presume that this forsaken child in reduced circumstances could in all likelihood be an Arab. or Let’s just say that's a Palestinian. (since i saw the picture on the internet I cannot verify the origin)

According to Israeli Army records 36 Palestinians were Killed each month for suspected infiltration, during 1951. In January 7th 1951 : Christmas day for eastern Christians, 9 civilians were killed in the village of Sharafat. This was just the start of the Israel-Palestine conflict. No, I Would rather say 'Israeli Killing Spree'.

There is no certain synopsis on how many have been killed. But One thing that remains certain is that ‘till today more than 200 000 civilians have been disastrously killed by the ruthless Israeli occupational forces. What’s funny is that the The world has ignored the reality. The world has become so gullible, that we just ‘let Go’ when Israel says, they 'acted in self-defense'.

This is ‘self-defense’. This is how deserted, desperate children react when they see a bulldozer crawling Towards them. Where is Humanity? What has Amnesty International got to say about this? What happened to the convention on the rights of the child? Where are the 54 articles and two (Optional) protocols in this convention?
As I write this article, There are 100s of (illegal) Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) been manufactured in Israel.  Shouldn't Mr Ban Ki-Moon take into account the fact that by manufacturing WMDs- Israel Has already ignored and deliberately dishonored The Geneva Protocol they've signed in 1969?. And likewise,  Mr Obama should also understand that being the only president who read all the Harry Potter books doesn’t make him any cooler or a well-beloved figure amongst everyone.   

We all know that America is the utmost benefactor of Israel. However  Israel’s strenuous efforts on destroying Palestine has revealed that they don’t really care about the proportional interests of American citizens. Majority of Americans despises Israel's acts against Gaza. But Israel, Do they really care? No. This has been proven , besides the daily killing and abuse, Palestinians face all forms of Oppression and ethnic cleansing, which forces Palestinians to leave their Lands. This means that the Israeli armed forces don't care who they hurt or which race they disintegrate as  long as they can keep gaining all the power they want. What makes me laugh so hard is that how ignorant and gullible Local Citizens of Israel are. Those occupational forces just go on destroying unarmed Palestinians so that they can keep the Citizens of Israel under the phantom illusion that they have power, which they really don't compared to the countries with close geographical proximity to them, for instance, Lebanon or Egypt. 

This is just sick, desperate and wrong. That kid in the picture could have been your child? My Child? What could we possibly do? Where would you run if you were a Palestinian? How can we prevent these misconducts from being conducted throughout the world? How can we diminish the evil doings of the dark forces? How can we protect our individual rights? Do we just sit tight, do nothing, and watch Israel  ignore each and every United Nations' resolution in existence?

i personally believe Some questions are worth dying for its answers, but some answers are worth nothing if ignored or neglected, even if we pretend we travel a million miles to obtain it. You see, a lock has no meaning without the correct key to it, in the same way a correct key may have no meaning if there are no more locks for it to open. We ought to act fast. Our words must be heard and enacted. The clock is ticking. Time is critical. Children are dying.