Monday, February 3, 2014


Imagine what it is like to be publicly harassed by someone everyday. Someone you 'must have been' close with, someone you should rather spend and share pleasant moments with. 
Imagine, everyday you sit right there in the corner, looking down, wanting to do something about it, pushing yourself to say something back, harboring wishful thoughts inside you, feeling the pity on yourself which haunts you down so bad every time, that fiery vibe you feel: fighting beside your soul- all in your imagination.

The minute when the gruesome activity of 'lowering your self-esteem' stops before you, you try to find two things: either your Inner Peace or the Devil Inside you. 

And just suddenly when you decide to knock on the door you chose, the most disturbing thought occurs in your mind- you think what others might think about you! You feel saddened and devastated. That's the moment when your mind tries to negotiate with your Inner-Self using alternative motives. It is just a measure taken by your sub-conscious mind to avoid any possible outcome which would result in 'triggering' the Devil Inside you. You will try so hard not to loose it. But with the stock of shame in store- you may just promptly cut it to the chase and strike straight to the edge of the problem. Just then you know it was about time you realized it's all in your imagination- your wish- what the Devil Inside you craves for. 

Knowing that you have restrained your dark fantasies to the limit of your imagination- it is not really what makes you the righteous person or the winner. You have already won it all, if you precisely have the right reasons for your excuses. Sometimes one simply doesn't have to know why you are being abundantly 'atypical'. Or one cannot just confront you disturbing question (questions you feel uneasy when asked among people) which even doesn't concern them in anyway, not even in any aspect of their profession. They must have their own primary obligations to commit. They finally make it habitual to tend to be so eager to pick on you- wherever you are and wherever you go. 

That's an explicit act which squares with the phase, where it will be all revealed that ( whoever the person is) he/she is not fit for purpose. For instance, if you were a Student who fails to set out the best in him/her or a Postman who fails to commit the best caliber inside him at his work - but as long as you mind your own business and the longer you obey and believe WHY you are in your job at the first place and if you are willing to respects your mandate without shrinking everything around you to your small "personal" hands- you are reasonably fine, compared to a resourceful, sharp and quick-witted Teacher who  forgets the true purpose and responsibility of the job, and who often creates unnecessary tough grounds for you (if you are a student) who is deficient in meeting the expectations. 

You will start to wonder, what if you were to switch bodies with the best student in the class and the teacher knew about it? . Would the teacher be ready to accept the fact that your old 'self' (now in possession of the best student in the class) once was incompetent? or Would the teacher just be so eager to embrace what ever the fact is- as long as the teacher gets the satisfaction of 'met-expectations'?. If so, is it the students or their grades the teacher really care about?. This will make you put a thinking-cap on your head as it has come to the inevitable question: JUST LIKE SOME MEN OF 21st CENTURY HAVE ESTABLISHED THE VIEW ON WOMEN AS MERE SEX-OBJECTS, IN THE SAME UNIVERSE, HAVE SOME TEACHERS STARTED TO VIEW STUDENTS (you) AS MERE GRADE-OBJECTS?