Monday, October 21, 2013

Dear Bestfriend

you were a random person. I didn't choose you, neither did you choose me. we don't ought to push ourselves into aggression over a status god-has-barely-given-a-shit-, a status which is barely labelled on us. You could say we have nothing in common. No, we don't. Things are antithetical even from our skin tone to 'year of birth'. from our knowledge to its way of expression.  from our way or style of living to morale.
with all these differences it is our priorities which makes us each other's ally. Our perception in each other's eyes can be vandalized in many courses of actions. Especially with words 'spoken' and sometimes it can be exclusively done  by words 'unspoken'. 
'Most certainly best friendship is based upon trust'. No. not entirely. But for an unbiased, rational broadminded person best friendship is something which is all building upon RESPECT and ACCEPTANCE.  As a matter of fact, respecting each other will preserve the integrity of intellectual and emotional interest between two parties, which is pretty much same thing as TRUST, for me.
once someone commence to make a break from their past in order to have a chance in the future, it is humble and gentle as a human being to let them proceed and complete their noble course. Others' acceptance is very vital in getting over difficult, devastating-phases in human life. As much as it plays a very much crucial role as a 'general recognition' so that it ensures the navigation of the person to their rightful destiny. most importantly it will motivate the person to its utmost heights to have faith in the bestfriendship
I truly love my best friend and I accept my best friend for whom truly he is. Do you?



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